There are no limits to what you can do in groups. You may want to start a house on the rock group as an outreach, or discipleship group. You can use these books for family devotions, teaching new believers, youth, or any home, church, or study group. Groups can even be done over zoom!

No matter what stage people are at, they will benefit from the easy-to-understand outlay of the books, and be empowered with more of the word of God. Each short section, being in full color with pictures, helps to engage the reader.

Group studies could also be done in homes, schools, colleges, universities, work places, prisons, rehabs, hospitals, or anywhere people can meet together. THE HOUSE ON THE ROCK BOOKS provide a valuable resource for pastors, leaders, teachers, chaplains, counsellors, and anyone overseeing the spiritual well-being and discipleship of others.

For leaders of groups, churches, or organizations who would like to see the full content of the books: Please click on this link: ‘PDF SAMPLES’ and you will receive a PDF sample of BOOK ONE & TWO, sent to your email. You will also be sent a LETTER OF AUTHORISATION, giving you permission from the author to receive a group order discount, should you wish to do so.


ANYONE CAN GET A GROUP ORDER DISCOUNT! Getting others involved in a group order makes it very affordable for everyone! This is also perfect for larger groups, churches, and other organizations.

Get a discount of nearly half the RRP for minimum orders of 10 books or more. You can choose any combination of books ONE and TWO. E.g., for a small group, you may like to order 5 copies of BOOK ONE and 5 copies of BOOK TWO, or you can make the order to suit you. BOTH BOOKS ARE THE SAME PRICE.

This GROUP ORDER DISCOUNT makes each full-color, softcover book approximately $32 AUD - including GST and postage! There are further discounts for minimum orders over 50 and 100 books. (If you are ordering from any country outside of Australia, the amount will be converted to your own currency and you will receive the equivalent discount price.)

Please click the link, ‘PDF SAMPLES’ and you will also receive your letter of authorization. Then follow the instructions in the email!


The House On The Rock books have been used successfully in small groups. It is recommended that each person takes it in turns of reading a section or page. The group leader simply needs to be able to flow with the promptings of the Holy Spirit, in elaborating on some passages as relevant, allowing people to ask questions at the end, and also keeping the topics on track. In a group setting, the prayers and affirmations of scripture can be read out loud by everyone simultaneously. A group setting can also provide an atmosphere for people to share testimonies, as they will start to see things happening as they apply the word of God to their lives! This will encourage others’ faith, and increase everyone’s commitment to being doers of the word!

The books are written in such a way, that the topics are clearly set out, in the proper context of scripture, often answering questions along the way.

Some people who have completed the house on the rock study course, have gone on to lead a new house on the rock study group - reaching and teaching more people! This is Matthew 28:19-20 in action!

For any QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, or TESTIMONIES, please email us from the CONTACT link in the drop-down menu. We look forward to hearing from you!

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